How Does the Grid Trade Incentive Work in 2020?

Traditional UK house with solar panels

If you are considering installing solar panels in your home, but want to save money while becoming less reliant on the grid for your energy needs, then you need to learn more about the Grid Trade Incentive.

Most likely you are already aware of the many benefits of having solar panels installed on your property which include:

  • Reducing your electricity bill by up to 70%
  • Running a more sustainable home
  • Adding significant value to your property
  • Reducing your reliance on the grid
  • Becoming more self-sufficient and in control of your energy bills

That said, you may not be aware that you can actually make money back on your solar panels by storing excess energy and selling it back to other households that are reliant on the grid.


You should be.

What is the Grid Trade Incentive?

In a nutshell, this incentive allows homeowners with solar panels to sell any of their excess energy to other households that are currently reliant on the national grid.

A recent survey showed that homeowners with solar panels only use an estimated 27% of the energy that their panels produce, meaning the majority of their investment is simply going to waste.

Thankfully, if you choose to have solar panels installed in 2020 this will not happen to you, as you now have the opportunity to make money on any excess energy you create, whilst at the same time creating a fairer system for other homeowners that are reliant on the grid for their energy.

Solar panels on UK house roof

Furthermore, in 2020, the benefits of installing solar panels are better than ever before as the cost of panels is at an all-time low.

In fact, you can expect to pay up to 60% less for solar panels than you would have done only 8 years ago.

Not only that, but due to the fact that energy companies offer vastly fluctuating prices for peak and off-peak energy, you can store your energy via battery technology, enabling you to avoid paying peak energy prices.

This means you can trade with others at fair rates that are beneficial to everyone.

How Exactly Does the Grid Trade Incentive work?

In order for you to take advantage of the Grid Trade Incentive scheme, you need to be:

  1. A UK homeowner
  2. Have a roof that is suitable for installing solar panels on

Once you have been approved, the Grid Trade Incentive company will install the latest solar panel and battery technology in your home so that your property can effectively generate and store energy.

Then it will take any surplus energy that you do not need and trade it with other people on the grid.

Should You Take Advantage of the Grid Trade Incentive in 2020?

If you are becoming increasingly worried about the price of your monthly energy bills — and why wouldn’t you be with the average household annual electricity bill set to be a whopping £1,343 by 2025 — then you should definitely consider enrolling in the Grid Trade Incentive.

It is an arguably fairer and more cost-effective way to buy and sell energy.

Find out if you are eligible for the Grid Trade Incentive in 2020 by visiting their website and start planning for a fairer, and cheaper, tomorrow.

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